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Society Supporting Local Food Banks and Shelters

February 10, 2021

At the Society we are very fortunate that none of our members have lost their job due to the pandemic, but everyone is feeling its impacts. For too many, including those in our families and our communities, the pandemic has meant the intensification of existing social problems like unemployment, mental health problems, domestic abuse and food scarcity. 

To help support Ontarians struggling in our communities the Society has donated an additional $55,000 to food banks and women and children’s shelters. Thank you also to the Young Professionals Network for suggesting a donation to Second Harvest, who works across the supply chain from farm to retail to capture surplus food before it ends up in the landfill which negatively impacts our environment and in turn feeds the hungry.

Here’s a list of organizations that recently received support:

Clarington East Food Bank

Kincardine Ministerial Food Bank 

Project SHARE  (Niagara Falls)

Ottawa Food Bank

Paul’s on the Hill Food Bank  (Pickering)

Saugeen Shores Salvation Army Food Bank

Salvation Army  (Thunder Bay)

Daily Bread Food Bank  (Toronto)

Second Harvest (Toronto)

Mississauga Food Bank

Burlington Food Bank

Food Bank of York Region

Barrie Food Bank

Timmins Food Bank

Thunder Bay Food Bank

Herizon House  (Ajax/Pickering)

Women & Children's Shelter of Barrie 

Three Oaks Foundation  (Bellville)

Bethesda House  (Bowmanville/Clarington)

Interval House of Hamilton 

Women's House  (Kincardine)

Women's Place of South Niagara 

Nippising Transition House 

Minwaashin Lodge  (Ottawa)

The Women's Centre Grey Bruce 

Timmins & Area Women in Crisis 

Faye Peterson House  (Thunder Bay)

YWCA Toronto 

Hiatus House  (Windsor)

Domestic Abuse Services Oxford 

Atlohsa Family Healing Services  (London)

ENAGB Youth Agency  (Toronto)

Gathering of Rivers Community Care  (Thunder Bay)

Omushkegiskwew House Family – Moosonee Family Resource Centre 

Covenant House (Toronto)

Cornerstone Northumberland (multiple locations in Northumberland)

Cornerstone Durham (multiple locations in Durham)

Denise House (Oshawa)

Y’s WISH Shelter (Oshawa)

Johanne’s House  - Durham Youth Shelter (Ajax)

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