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We empower our members to thrive in the workplaces of today and to solve the challenges of the future.

The Society of United Professionals represents more than 10,000 professionals in Ontario, including engineers, scientists, supervisors, and lawyers.

Founded 80 years ago by engineers who wanted better working conditions, the Society of United Professionals now has members in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. Among the organizations United Professionals’ members work for are Ontario Power Generation, Hydro One, Bruce Power, Independent Electricity System Operator, Legal Aid Ontario, Toronto Hydro, Electrical Safety Authority, Ontario Energy Board, National Judicial Institute, Technical Standards and Safety Authority, Aboriginal Legal Services and Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic.

A democratic organization, members of the Society of United Professionals vote on everything from the union’s constitution and dues increases to collective agreements and policies. Membership is voluntary.

The Society of United Professionals is Local 160 of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers. Based in Washington, D.C. and with 90,000 members across North America, IFPTE represents a variety of professionals, including lawyers, judges, social workers, scientists and accountants. Additionally, United Professionals is affiliated to the Canadian Labour Congress, Ontario Federation of Labour and many local labour councils.


We exist to ensure the best rewards, career opportunities, and working conditions for our members. We have an excellent track record of negotiating improvements to our members’ salaries, benefits, and working conditions.

We recognize, in achieving our objectives, that we have responsibilities in working for the continued success of our employers.

We have developed a distinctive, non-traditional approach to labour relations, and we pride ourselves on conducting relations with our employers in the framework of a mature and mutually beneficial partnership. While protecting the interests of our members, we uphold our professional responsibilities to our employers, their customers and clients, and the people of Ontario.


Rebecca Caron

Rebecca Caron is a trailblazer for workers' rights and environmental sustainability, with over 15 years...

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Laurie Reid

Laurie Reid was elected Secretary-Treasurer in July, 2021. Prior to this role, Ms. Reid was...

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Executive Vice-President

Ralph Chatoor

Dr. Ralph Chatoor was born in Trinidad and Tobago and immigrated to Canada to pursue...

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