November 30: Legal Aid articling students vote to unionize with Society of United Professionals
October 3: Legal Aid Ontario Thwarts Democracy by Refusing to Open Ballot Box at OLRB
August 24: Major breakthrough in Legal Aid lawyers’ campaign for collective bargaining rights
August 3: Legal Aid Lawyers Demand Union Rights Outside Posh Liberal Fundraiser
July 29: Legal Aid lawyers: Ontario must end unconstitutional union prohibition
July 28: Labour Minister’s office faces picket over Legal Aid lawyers’ rights in wake of new report
July 20: Premier Wynne’s office to face picket over Legal Aid lawyers’ rights
April 21: Toronto Hydro workers voted 98% for strike, will stage information picket
March 11: From Coal to Solar: Energy Professionals applaud OPG’s low carbon transition at Nanticoke
February 2: Society of United Professionals statement on retirement of Bruce Power CEO Duncan Hawthorne