In the Society's third and largest organizing victory of the year, information technology (IT) professionals employed by Toronto Hydro joined the Society of United Professionals, IFPTE 160. While votes were cast last year, the group of more than 80 employees at Toronto’s municipally-owned local distribution company won their collective bargaining rights on November 21 after a year-long fight at the Ontario Labour Relations Board caused by management’s delay tactics.
“We are excited to welcome this newest group of IT professionals to our growing union,” said Scott Travers, President of the Society of United Professionals. “We’re looking forward to strengthening our bargaining relationship with the employer and providing high-quality representation to these new members.”
“Our organizing victories mean a better life at work for new members and a stronger union for all members,” said Travers.
Toronto Hydro IT professionals were aware of the Society because the union already represents about 70 Toronto Hydro engineers. Due to concerns about restructuring, dismissal without cause, and transparent hiring practices some IT employees reached out to the Society about joining our union. The organizing campaign started collecting union cards in September 2017.“Congratulations to the Toronto Hydro IT professionals for your work and dedication to the unionization process,” said Henry Quach, Local Vice President of the Toronto Hydro engineers bargaining unit. “I’m pleased that more professionals at Toronto Hydro are realizing the benefits of Society membership.”
This is the third group of employees that have chosen the Society of United Professionals this year, following the professionals who work for the National Judicial Institute in Ottawa and Toronto’s Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic. The Society of United Professionals continues to look for new opportunities to represent new groups of workers. Interested employees can contact Society of United Professionals organizer Michelle LeBlanc at [email protected] to discuss making their working life better and visit for more information.