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The Society of Energy Professionals is now the Society of United Professionals

March 8, 2018

The Society of Energy Professionals is now the Society of United Professionals

TORONTO – Members of The Society of Energy Professionals voted to change the name of their union to the Society of United Professionals. The move positions the labour organization as the union of choice for Ontario’s professional workers.

The referendum followed a process to align the union’s name and brand to who they are today and where they hope to be 10 years from now.

Founded more than 70 years ago by engineers who wanted to work together to win better working conditions, the Society of United Professionals has members in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. Once an employee association at Ontario Hydro, United Professionals is the union for professional workers of many stripes in, and beyond, the energy sector.

Among the organizations United Professionals members work for are Ontario Power Generation, Hydro One, Bruce Power, Independent Electricity System Operator, Inergi, Kinectrics, Amec NSS, Toronto Hydro, Electrical Safety Authority, Ontario Energy Board and Legal Aid Ontario. Members include engineers, scientists, lawyers, accountants, supervisors and information technology professionals.

“As a union of professionals, our strength is negotiating top-flight collective agreements for knowledge workers,” said Society of United Professionals President Scott Travers. “We ensure that professionals have the stability and prosperity that they expect and deserve in their careers.”

“As a collaborative workplace partner, we advance member-led solutions that let professional workers take back control of their lives.”

We are the Society of United Professionals—the union of choice for Ontario’s professional workers.

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 Media contact: Adam Chaleff, 647-500-2394


In 1944, four hundred Ontario energy workers united to demand better working conditions. Facing a changing world, they couldn’t know what challenges awaited them, but they knew they would face them together. For over 70 years, we have grown, adapted, and fought, collectively, to uphold our professional standards, and the rights all workers deserve. Through bracing setbacks and hard-fought victories we remain, resolute in our commitment to our work—and each other. We are problem solvers, experts, and innovators. We are professionals of many stripes, growing to meet the demands of our rapidly changing world with reason, compassion, and ingenuity.


To be the union of choice Ontario’s professional workers.


A strong, unified public voice builds power.

Collaboration forges better solutions.

Resilience comes from anticipating and adapting to change.


The Society of United Professionals is a growing union of 8,000 professionals in Ontario, including engineers, scientists, supervisors and lawyers.

A democratic organization, members of the Society of United Professionals vote on everything from the union’s constitution and dues increases to collective agreements and policies. Membership in the Society is voluntary.

The Society of United Professionals is Local 160 of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers. Based in Washington, D.C. and with 80,000 members in the U.S. and Canada, IFPTE represents a variety of professionals, including lawyers, judges, social workers, scientists and accountants.

Additionally, the Society of United Professionals is affiliated to the Canadian Labour Congress, Ontario Federation of Labour and many local labour councils.

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