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Society donates to Fort McMurray Relief

May 12, 2016

In a show of solidarity with people driven from their homes by wild fires in Fort McMurray, Alberta, The Society pledged $10,000 to humanitarian relief efforts.

The Society’s contribution is part of the coast to coast effort of Canada’s labour movement to support the people of Fort McMurray. So far, labour groups have pledged approximately $2 million cumulatively.

While many members have already made personal contributions, The Society urges everyone to give what they can via Canada’s Red Cross.

“The Society’s values and the labour movement’s values are really about all of us looking out for one another whether it’s at work or in the community,” said President Scott Travers. “That’s why we’re stepping up to the plate with this donation.”

As of May 11, the Red Cross had raised $50 million dollars and begun to disperse the funds directly to people displaced by the fires, which destroyed more than 2,000 homes and buildings and forced a mass evacuation of the region. Red Cross announced that in addition to the funds used for temporary shelter, food, clothing and medical supplies, it is also providing $600 to each adult and $300 for each dependent to help families get back on their feet.

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