As announced to Society members earlier this month, the Ontario government has approved Ontario Power Generation’s plans to refurbish the reactors at its Darlington Nuclear Generating Station and, to facilitate the refurbishment, extend the life of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station to 2024.
“This is not only good news for OPG and our members but is positive for electricity ratepayers, too,” said Society president Scott Travers. “This agreement will secure a low-cost, stable source of electricity for years to come, while also contributing to our growing economy.”
According to the Conference Board of Canada, 95% of the $12.8 billion to be invested by OPG for the Darlington project will be spent in Ontario, which will increase our province’s GDP by $14.9 billion.
The Society has lobbied for years in coordination with allies in the labour movement and industry to ensure refurbishments were approved at both Darlington and Bruce Nuclear Generating Station sites.
“I’m proud of The Society’s role,” said Travers. “Our members do top-notch work every day to power Ontario’s homes and businesses, which makes it possible for The Society to effectively advocate on their behalf along side the rest of the industry.”