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New collective agreements at Bruce, NWMO, OEB and AMEC-NSS

April 10, 2015

Three Society locals have reached new collective agreements so far this year, with a fourth awaiting a ratification vote.

At Bruce Power, the Local negotiated a four-year deal that balances the need for job security and the company’s needed flexibility as it negotiates a deal with the IESO on refurbishment of the Bruce reactors. The Local’s members ratified the deal with 96% support.

The Society’s Nuclear Waste Management Organization Local won a favourable arbitration award for its collective agreement. Running January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016, the award includes a 4.5% salary increase over those two years, including cost of living protection in the second year. The arbitrator’s ruling also enhances language related to temporary/term employees, and improved health benefits.

In February, the Ontario Energy Board Local reached a negotiated settlement with its employer. The four-year deal features an 8% salary increase over the term of the contract with no take-aways.

And, just this week the AMEC-NSS Local reached a tentative agreement that will be voted on by members in the days ahead. For more details on that agreement, AMEC-NSS members will receive communication from LVP Sophia Fung.

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