Lobby Day 2020 Sign-up
The Society of United Professionals is holding a Lobby Day at Queen's Park in Toronto on Monday, February 24 from 7am until 7pm. Use this form to indicate that you want to participate in Lobby Day.
On Lobby Day, the Society brings many members to the Ontario legislature to meet with their representatives about key issues affecting Society members and the sectors in which we work. The issues we will discuss with Members of Provincial Parliament (MPP) this year include:
- Building and sustaining a low-carbon energy system; and
- Reversing the 30% cut to Legal Aid Ontario's budget
We seek to meet with MPPs of all parties. Government MPPs have a direct say in current policy. Opposition MPPs can put pressure on the government to act on our priorities and may form government in the future.
Our ability to book meetings with MPPs is often related to whether one or more of an MPP's constituents will be part of the meeting. This allows you to discuss the key issues facing Society members with your representative while also bringing a local perspective to how the issues connect with the community you call home.
Given the need to match members to available MPPs, the Society is building a pool of member-advocates who are willing to meet with their MPP on February 24. If you are interested in attending the lobby day to meet with MPPs as a Society representative please submit this form to be part of the pool from which the Society will select attendees.
Final selection for participation will also be determined by:
- Which MPPs are available for meetings;
- The number of people expressing interest from a particular constituency;
- Record of involvement in Society activities; and
- Representation of the membership to ensure a diverse set of experiences, skills and expertise
Members selected for participation will be eligible for paid release on Lobby Day. Those who must travel more than 40km to participate will be eligible for reimbursement of reasonable, pre-approved travel expenses.
If you have any questions, please contact Society staff representative Mike Belmore at [email protected].