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Hydro One Professionals Deserve a Fair Deal

Hydro One is performing well. The company had a good year thanks to the hard work we put in. Employees struggled and adapted, working hard to ensure that the utility continued to function during the pandemic. We juggled our home lives and work lives, with many of us forced to be teachers, childcare workers, and support workers all at the same time. 

We are proud of our contributions. Society members delivered for the people of Ontario under these exceptional circumstances, as we do every year.

Rather than thanking us, Hydro One is demanding wage cuts and wants us to accept less than what we deserve.

Hydro One is more prosperous than ever with record profits, share price, and dividends. Our colleagues were treated fairly in their negotiations. Why are we being asked to accept less?

This is not right. Our work deserves to be valued and respected.

If you aren't willing to settle for less than you deserve, take the pledge to fight for a fair deal.


Note: Names of pledge signers will not be disclosed to the employer

We, the Society of United Professionals-represented workers of Hydro One, pledge to fight for the fair deal that we deserve.