In accordance with The Society of United Professionals’ dues setting policy, on April 1, 2017, the annual dues adjustment comes into effect. The dues adjustment formula, as set by members in the March 2013 referendum, is calculated as the weighted average of all economic increases gained by members in new collective agreements achieved during the preceding year. According to this formula, the dues increase is 1.26% or $0.27 per pay period. The new total dues to be paid by each member per pay period beginning April 1, 2017 will be $21.41. This does not impact the dues paid by Pensioners’ Chapter members.
These additional dues will allow The Society to continue providing high-quality services to members, including collective agreement renewal, representation in grievance mediation and arbitration, and advocacy for sector and labour policy that advances members’ shared interests.
If you have any questions, please contact your local leadership.