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Through its democratic structures, the Society of United Professionals has developed a governance system that ensures the organization runs according to the interests and values of its membership.
This section provides our constitutional underpinnings, the rules we live by, accountabilities for revenues and expenditures, and policies and practices that set out the way members and their representatives relate to each other, industry, and the outside world.

The Society of United Professionals operates under its own Constitution and Bylaws

Our revenues and expenditures are managed in a transparent and accountable manner

Our union’s policies are set annually at Council by locally elected delegates

The elected Executive Board sets procedures to direct our day-to-day policies


The Society of United Professionals is self-governing and operates under its own Constitution and Bylaws, which cannot be changed without conducting a membership referendum.

The Society of United Professionals is affiliated to the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, so is also governed by the IFPTE Constitution, the Society’s IFPTE charter, and the Society-IFPTE affiliation agreement.

Through affiliation with IFPTE, United Professionals is also affiliated to the Canadian Labour Congress, the Ontario Federation of Labour, and the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations.

The following are the Society’s constitutional documents:


The Society of United Professionals is entrusted with members’ dues. With that privilege comes the responsibility to ensure members’ dues are spent responsibly and with the utmost transparency.

The Society of United Professionals exercises this responsibility using the Management Control Framework. The MCF is comprised of a series of policies related to how and which expenses are incurred, approved and reported. The MCF is presently under review by United Professionals’ Finance Committee.

The Society of United Professionals’ budget and work plan is set at the beginning of every fiscal year by the Executive Board, and followed throughout the year.

Every member of a Society of United Professionals bargaining unit — whether a member of the Society or not — is entitled to a copy of the Audited Financial Statement (must be logged in) for the last year audited. Members who are logged on can view the current audit on the site. Non-members can obtain a copy of the audit by request from the United Professionals office.

View Financial Reports (login required)

Policies & Procedures

The Society of United Professionals’ day-to-day operations and public positions are guided by its policies and procedures. Policies are approved by Delegates to the annual Society Council meeting. Procedures are set by the union’s Executive Board.

The purpose of Society policies is to set the parameters for union operations or declare the union’s position on a matter of interest to the membership. Procedures provide instruction to Society leaders, members, and staff on how to carry out union policies or specific operational activities.

View all Policies and Procedures (login required)